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Preservation Mirage raises funds to save Pink Elephant Car Wash sign on 111

Philip Monaghan and Sue Fromkin - Special to The Desert Sun

Preservation Mirage, a nonprofit dedicated to the preservation of significant architectural sites in Rancho Mirage, hosted a cocktail buffet at Tamarisk Country Club on Oct. 20 to celebrate its recent project to historically designate and restore the Pink Elephant Car Wash Sign on Highway 111.

The sign, erected in 1967, is the last example of period neon signage in Rancho Mirage, resulting in the city’s designation and contribution of matching funds for the restoration.

Guests who followed the party invitation to “Think Pink” arrived in multiple hues of the color and enjoyed a refreshing “Pink Elephant Cocktail” as well as a delicious buffet provided by Tamarisk Country Club.


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